Bernard Morin

The Reluctant Shaman

A mystic, healer, shaman and teacher, the author's journey raises many questions that challenge not only prevailing thought but also religious practices and teachings.

Trapped in a world of normative behaviour and education, to which he intuitively knows he doesn't belong, the author chronicles the signs and signals of the suppressed essence of his being and reveals universal interpretations of issues with the human body.

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Now available in print and ebook formats to bookstores and libraries on request.

Bernard's a gifted teacher, healer, person who exemplifies honesty, love, and compassion in all he does. Upset by not having even one out of fifteen shamanic journeys in his class, he comforted me by saying, "Don't worry, it's right there." And, it did happen, later. That's how he approaches everyone he meets...with love and compassion...and it just oozes from these book pages. Tamara Michael, world traveler, author, The Suitcase Wife,

Prepare to have your mind bent! In simple, straightforward English, without abstruse terminology, you will be led through the alleys and superhighways of another world. By the last page, shaken, your intuition may declare: This is the world as it is, not the world I've been told to believe. And your heart will say, close to tears, "Thank you Bernie." Jack Cain, Magician, writer , In the Region of the Heart, New Paltz, NY, Codhill Press, 2019.

Reading this book brought the same flood of insight I experienced as Bernard Morin's student nearly two decades ago. The energy from his extraordinary personal stories literally leaps off every page. Once again, he has inspired me to explore the unseen forces operating in my life— forces that continue to bring me deep personal awareness, learning, and hope. I am reminded that far from being something to be feared, shamanic experiences are gifts that can not only heal us, but also call us to become healers ourselves. This book is for anyone who has felt the pull to nurture their own innate powers of intuition. It opens a door to those seeking greater meaning, wholeness, connection to nature, and spiritual discovery. --Michael Chavez, co-author of Rehumanizing Leadership: Putting Purpose Back into Business

Simply put, Bernard Morin's work is transformative. In this long-awaited collection of personal stories, "The Reluctant Shaman" invites the reader to accompany him on his journey of extraordinary connections with the seen and the unseen. It is a must-read that encourages us to face our biggest fears and step into our most authentic selves.
Elspeth Jones, artist, business consultant, healer, mystic.

Bernard Morin tells us to "go to wherever you are called to go." In The Reluctant Shaman, he shows that he can walk the talk. Morin is a clear-eyed guide in this fascinating account of his encounters with aliens and AIDS, ghosts and gurus, and the wisdom he has gathered while going places typically off limits in conventional society. You will never see the world around you--and within you--in quite the same way. --Andrew Lawler, author of The Secret Token and Under Jerusalem